Simon Cichy
a quantum engineer in Berlin


My story

Hi! I'm Simon, a Spanish and German student, interested in quantum computing. I did my bachelor's degree in Spain and a master in Switzerland. After several projects in experimental labs, my interests moved towards quantum algorithms and I am currently working on quantum machine learning and near-term quantum algorithms at the Freie Universität in Berlin.


PhD in Quantum Computing
FU Berlin (DE)
Master in Quantum Engineering
ETH Zürich (CH)
Bachelor in Engineering Physics


A perturbative gadget for avoiding barren plateaus in variational quantum algorithms
Prof. Jens Eisert, QMIO, Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum System, FU Berlin
2022 - Master thesis
(pre-print) (code) (tutorial)

Cryogenic magnetic field measurementss for the characterization of superconducting qubit shield attenuation
Prof. Andreas Wallraff, Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zürich
2021 - Semester project

Automatic compensation of polarization drifts in an optical fibre for quantum networks based on neutral atoms
Prof. Gerhard Rempe, Quantum Dynamics, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
2020 - Bachelor thesis

Reflectivity measurements on quantum materials
Prof. Simon Wall, Ultrafast Dynamics in Quantum Solids, ICFO
2019 - Summer fellowship

Full duplex network access with colorless and source-free optical network units
Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), UPC
2019 - Semester project